Water temps Sunday on the west shore started at 38 degrees. Once the sun came out we found 40-41 degrees in 5-6′ depths. We had a short window of action before the wind stalled and the action slowed. All Females caught were pre-spawn with one being spawned out. Finding dirty water was key in finding the warmest water. Moving frequently and targeting these areas with Rip’n Raps, hair jigs and Jerk Minnow Jr’s was the strategy. One thing we noticed this day was a slower short sweep of the rod to the side rather than rod tip up seemed to get more strikes on the Rippin’ Raps – keeping the bait closer to the bottom. Vary your retrieve each cast until you find success – long and short sweeps, quick and slower bait vibrations and of course colors and size as well. Wacky Walleye Spring schools the next two weekends and fishing the east shore now that Ice is out – Can’t wait!

-Capt. Dave Olson

West Shore Spring Walleye