Got up today (6/6/18) at 6am, hooked up the boat, asked my wife if she’d please get my coffee cup ready for me and off to the Resort to pick up Art. Dumped the boat in at 7am and headed out on a pretty cold June morning. Air temps this morning were at 45 degrees and the winds were south, southeast with rain heading our way for noon. Art and I started the day off with a double and shortly after that I put two smallies in the boat and both of them tipped the scales at over 5lbs. Didn’t catch as many fish as we did yesterday, but we still had a fun day of fishing together.

Ended up doing two trips today, so Art rode with me to the boat landing this morning, but in the afternoon I brought Art to the resort and dropped him at our dock and then drove back to the landing in Sturgeon Bay to pick up my guys for my 2 o’clock trip. Now the boys in the afternoon and I just rocked-em, many more fish bit in the afternoon, but nothing over 5lbs. Couldn’t believe the amount of fish we boated in the afternoon that pushed the scale over 4lbs. Steve and Greg had the time of their lives and Steve’s from Atlanta and had never caught a Smallmouth bass ever and his first 3 that he boated today were comfortably over 4lbs, so needless to say he was fired up. Brought the boys back to the landing for 8pm and backed the boat in the garage at a little bit after 9pm.

Sturgeon Bay Bass Fishing on FIRE

Long day today and I actually at the end of the day was ready for my bed! Here are a few of the pics from both trips!

Head Guide, Elite Guide Team
-Captain Dale Stroschein